When you’re ready to start, fill out the information below and we’ll take it from there.

Let’s get started …

  1. If your case is set for a hearing less than one week from today’s date, call me before proceeding. We may be able to continue your hearing date so that I have enough time to request police reports, etc.

  2. Review my Retainer Fee agreement. It is the contract that will govern how we work together. Hit the “Get a PDF Copy” button to download a copy.

  3. If you agree to the contract terms, hit the “Agreed! Let me hire you” button.

  4. The next page will let you enter your contact and ticket information.

  5. After completing the form, you will be asked to upload a copy of your ticket or Notice of Case setting. If you do not have either, contact us.

  6. You will receive a welcome email from dontpaytheticket@gmail.com once we process the information you provided. This is not auto generated. We email you only after we’ve reviewed your submission. Allow two full business day for us to process your information. If you do not receive the email, please check your spam folder then contact us.

  7. You will need to make payment before I can begin work on your case.

Here is the terms of our service:


Scope of Representation: Attorney will provide services reasonably necessary to defend Client at a contested hearing for a traffic infraction, including representation at a contested hearing and negotiating on Client’s behalf. This Agreement does not include representation of Client at any hearing beyond the initial contested hearing.

Attorney Fees: Upon submitting Client's case, Client agrees to pay a flat fee to be calculated as follows: $249 base fee. In the event that Client's ticket has more than one count, the base fee will be increased by $50 per “extra count”. For example: a simple speeding ticket would be $249. The same ticket with an HOV charge in addition to the speeding would be $249 + $50 = $299

Attorney’s Fees are due in full at the beginning of the case and will be deposited in an IOLTA account. At the conclusion of the case, all funds will become the Attorney’s property. If the ticket has only one count and is found committed during a Contested Hearing, Attorney agrees to refund the client’s payment. In the event of a ticked with more than one count, Attorney is entitled to keep the base fee ($249) for any count not found committed. In this event, Attorney will refund the “extra count” fee(s) of $50 for each extra count found committed during the Contested Hearing.

**Client understands that if the counts on a ticket are amended or entered into a Deferred Finding (or similar program) then Client will be responsible for the cost of the amendment or program in addition to the Attorney fee.

Termination: Client understands that he or she has the ability to terminate the Attorney/Client relationship with Attorney, if Client chooses to. In the event that the relationship is terminated prior to the conclusion of the case, Client agrees to pay Mr. Cahoon for his time at a rate of $200.00 per hour, not to exceed the flat fee agreed to above plus any costs incurred by Attorney related to his representation of Client. Client also agrees to waive any objection to Mr. Cahoon’s withdrawal as Client’s attorney if he, in his sole discretion, feels that withdrawing would be in Client’s best interest.

No Guarantee of Results: Client acknowledges that Attorney has made no guarantees regarding the outcome of any contested hearing and that any statements Attorney has made regarding the merits of the case are professional opinions only, and not a guarantee.

Cooperation of Client: Client agrees to keep the Attorney advised of his or her address and contact information, to appear at office appointments and court hearings when requested, and to cooperate with reasonable requests of Attorney.

Substitute of Counsel: If Attorney is unavailable to appear in court, Attorney may appoint another attorney licensed in the state of Washington to appear on his behalf, so long as it is in the best interests of the Client.

Law to Govern Agreement: It is agreed that this Agreement will be governed by, construed, and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Washington. All disputes arising from the subject matter of this Agreement shall be brought exclusively in the Cascade District Court of Snohomish County, Washington.

Late Fees: I further understand that a 1% per month late charge may be imposed on any portion of the balance of the fees not paid on the due date established above.

Attorney's Fees: In the event of any action at law or suit in equity in relation to this Agreement, the prevailing party, in addition to all other sums which the other party may be called upon to pay, shall be entitled to recover such additional sum for the prevailing party's attorney's fees incurred therein as shall be judged reasonable.

Client's Consent: By submitting Client's ticket to Attorney, Client manifests their consent to this contract.

Final Agreement: This Agreement represents the final and mutual understanding of the parties. It replaces and supersedes any prior agreements or understandings, whether written or oral. This Agreement may not be modified, amended, or replaced except by another signed written agreement of the parties.

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